Proposal Lifecycle

The Swell Proposal Lifecycle is a structured process that allows community members to propose, discuss, and vote on initiatives. This process is facilitated through a public forum and involves several stages, including drafting the proposal, gathering community feedback, conducting a preliminary check, preparing the final proposal, voting, and finally, implementing the proposal if it passes.

1. Drafting the Proposal

The first step is to prepare a 1-2 page proposal. You can use the proposal template from the Resources or look at previously accepted proposals for inspiration. If your proposal requires participation from other stakeholders, it’s important to consult with them at this stage.

2. Community Feedback & Temperature Check

Once your proposal is ready, post it on the forum to initiate a feedback period. You should allow at least 7 days for feedback. During this time, you can participate in governance calls, present your idea, and engage with delegates to discuss the potential impact of your proposal.

3. Preparing Final Proposal

After gathering feedback, compile it into a single proposal and prepare to submit it for the final vote. At this stage, you may need to contact the Swell Foundation, especially if your proposal is seeking funds from the SwellDAO’s treasury. You may need to complete KYC/KYB procedures, sign a grant agreement, and discuss any assistance required from the Swell Foundation.

4. Final Voting

If you believe your proposal stands a chance after incorporating feedback, ask a delegate to put it up for an official vote via the off-chain platform on Snapshot. You may also need to contact the Swell Foundation to complete all compliance and documentation checks.

5. Outcome

If your proposal passes, congratulations! If not, don’t be disheartened. Revisit the feedback from delegates and consider rethinking the scope of your proposal.

Proposal Considerations

To increase the chances of your proposal being accepted, consider the following:

  • Objective and Rationale: Explain why your proposal is important for the community, how you determined the need for this grant, and who will benefit from it.
  • Team and Qualifications: Identify the people working on the proposal and their qualifications. Ensure you’ve consulted with relevant stakeholders before posting it on the forum.
  • Budget: Justify the specific amount you’re asking for, provide a breakdown of how the budget will be used, and outline the payment schedule for releasing funds to the project.
  • Implementation Plan: Detail how you’ll ensure the proposal achieves its goal, your step-by-step plan or milestones, potential risks and mitigation strategies, and how you’ll measure success.
  • Engagement with SwellDAO: Plan how you’ll keep the SwellDAO updated about the project’s progression, how the community can provide feedback, and whether the SwellDAO can halt the release of further funds if the proposal is not going to plan.

Remember, once a proposal is passed by the SwellDAO, the community has endorsed and approved your proposal. The delegates are now your biggest supporters, and it’s important to leverage this community to help achieve your intended outcome and ensure the project’s success. If your proposal requires involvement from the Swell Foundation, contact The Swell Foundation does not endorse any pending proposals, but it’s always willing to help when needed and to operationally support proposals passed by the SwellDAO.