Unstake swETH - Pending after 14 days

I have unstaked my swETH for 14 days now, but it still not back to my metamask wallet yet. Can anyone help me about this pls

You will need to go back to the ‘Claim’ tab to withdraw your ETH

Im sorry but I dont know where to find the “Claim” tab. Is that still on the https://app.swellnetwork.io/stake page?

hi mate, this is my withdrawal screen right now, there is no tab called “Claim” here. So does that mean that my transaction was failed? because I still have swETH in my wallet and my pearl still going up

I change my mind now and I want to restaking my swETH. Is that possible right now?


If your swETH is still in your wallet then you most likely only approved the token spend and didn’t initiate the withdrawal.

You can deposit your swETH in our L2 if you’d like, it’s definitely not too late!

I also deposited swETH in your L2, but actually, I dont know whether it was approved or not because the deposit site still shows like this.

Hey man, it seems that you only did one of two steps.
If you want to unstatke your sweth?
First, Approve the use of sweth, which u did it.(it will shows up in secs)
Second, Unstake the sweth and this will cost like 1-10business days

After you approve the token spend you need to go back and deposit, it is a two step process.