Welcome to Genesis Operators

GM Swellers,

Our protocol is planning to go live in April this year. Exciting times!

In the run-up to launch, the DAO welcomes our Genesis Operators who have provided invaluable feedback and insights into our new and improved architecture.

The Genesis Operators consists of several institutional-grade operators who will be supporting the protocol in the early stages of mainnet, responsible for ensuring excellent uptime and validator performance for ETH staked through Swell Network.

As for the protocol’s long-term vision, the DAO is committed to bringing about a fully permissionless operator set in time. This will be achieved progressively as the protocol scales and will be enabled through mechanisms such as bonded validators, distributed validator technology (DVT), and more.

In the current state however, the protocol shall open with our vetted set of Genesis Operators. These include: InfStones, RockX, snc.xyz, DSRV, Blockscape, HashQuark, Stakely, and Kiln.

The DAO invites its Genesis Operators to introduce themselves and their backgrounds in our Node Operator section of our forum which is available here so they can meet and greet the Swell community.

The suggested template for your post is below:

  1. Name of Organization
  2. General Description of Products / Services
  3. Experience and Track Record
  4. Infrastructure Details
  5. Why Swell

Dear Swellers, ETH hodlers, buidlers and other people interested in Web3,

We are snc.xyz (it rhymes), located in The Netherlands (Amsterdam) and are one of the Genesis Operators that will perform validation services for the Swell protocol and thus help to decentralize and secure Ethereum while at the same time provide the ETH delegators with staking rewards, inclusion fees and MEV.

Apart from being a Genesis Operator for Swell we also take part in various DVT (Decentralized Validator Technology) experiments on Ethereum, have been operating loads of validators on Ethereum for almost a year and a half via Rocket Pool, created a smart contract wallet on another smart contract platform and have been doing validation services on that same platform as well.

Currently our team consists of six people with various (specialized) skillsets to meet all the required needs. Think of: community building (the CEO of snc.xyz is co-founder of Blockchain Netherlands Foundation), staying up to date with technological innovation of Ethereum (EIPs) and the innovative DeFi landscape (Liquid Staking Tokens and rehypothecation for example).
But also, on the architecture side of things to roll out scalable and high performant infrastructure to serve Swellers with the highest degree of attestations we have all the right minds on board.
Some of our team members have been mining their first crypto currencies during 2013 while others saw the light at the end of 2016 just before the ICO era.

And while this may not be your first thing to think about, the legal and fiscal side of things require specialized expertise too as regulation still remains nascent and opaque. These legal and tax experts do not only make sure we remain fully compliant but they also develop cooperation strategies with other parties to connect the traditional world of finance with DeFi as they have a broad network of investors and startups.

Infrastructure is of the utmost importance and for that reason we are using datacenters strategically placed in multiple locations throughout Europe. And when it comes to ‘Why Swell?’ we are strongly convinced that non-custodial products and protocols have the most fundamental value within smart contract platforms like Ethereum as they align with the core characteristic of decentralization. Therefore, we welcome all Liquid Staking Token Protocols that provide such functionality. And Swell’s solution does not only come at the right moment in time but Swell’s architecture allows for both permissioned and permissionless node operators. For that reason, we think that Swell struck the perfect balance to scale TVL on the one hand and offer decentralization on the other hand.

We are looking forward to serve you and have you stake your Ether with Swell Network. Let’s Swell! :ocean:



Dear Swell Dao, community, and team members.

RockX is proud to be part of the initial Node Operators selected to support this ecosystem. Based in Singapore, RockX is a leading PoS service provider founded in 2018, with servers in Asia, Europe, and US. Since its inception, RockX has developed an excellent track record on almost 40 blockchains, including Polakadot, Solana, ETH2.0, and many other popular PoS networks.

RockX has worked closely with Lido and StaFi for more than a year and runs more than 7,500 ETH2.0 validators. Throughout 2022, RockX doubled the ETH2.0 AUM and in the future, we look forward to actively growing our validator support even further.

RockX operates on multiple clouds and data centers across different regions globally.

Security is always the top priority guarded by a standard procedure. Our infrastructure is safeguarded with redundancies, failover systems, and load balancers in place to ensure exceptional stability and reliability.

In addition, RockX also provides access nodes across almost 20 chains as well as working on MPC technology to enhance developments like wallet security.

RockX is always looking to work with great partners to expand our services and secure the network. Swell has a reliable team with good experience across the industry and has been working on liquid staking for an extensive period of time. We love the Swell community and feel that we can add value and support overall ecosystem growth. The fact that the Swell team has put security ahead of everything else really stood out to RockX as we put a very high priority on security across all our products and services.

More information about RockX can be found here:

RockX Website
Staking Portal
Access Node Portal
Bedrock Liquid Staking
RockX Twitter

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